You still have time to visit the German Village Society "The Village Seen" exhibit at the German Village Meeting Haus. The exhibit runs through 11/13/05.
Ron served as Juror for this event and displayed a few of his own German Village paintings. For more information visit:
“The Village Seen” exhibit is a unique opportunity to feature the artwork of many talented artists whose artwork has captured the charm and ambiance of German Village. Many artists have been inspired to paint in and around German Village. It is exciting to see the beauty of the area through the eyes of these various artists.
I hope that this event will be the beginning of an annual quest to inspire our local artists to come and paint the village in plein-air with an exhibit that can honor their work.
In judging the works of art for this exhibit I took into consideration the aesthetic value of the work, and the technical expertise of the artist in manipulating the media. I found a variety of styles and skills in reviewing each piece of artwork. Various artists treated the cityscape only as a model to use as a springboard for creative exploration, and others interpreted the subject matter in a more objective way.
When I am judging artwork, I keep in mind that the artist must be able to speak in his or her own voice. I look at how skillful the artist was in being able to; use the media, compose an image in space, and set a mood while keeping in mind the sense of the place and moment.
I considered; image integrity, experimentation, concept development, and creativity. When I look at a piece of art I take note if the artist has taken an unusual view of the subject. I am looking to see if the artist has a command of the media, and a sense of the place he is capturing through the artwork.
In “The Village Seen” exhibit I hope you will see some of the diversity, skill, and the creativity of the talented artists participating in this event. I hope that all of the artists involved in this exhibition will continue to paint images of German Village.
Posted by: Robin
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